Need to Know: Health Plans & Medical IRAs

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Sunday, March 23, 2014

Video: Hitler Finds Out He Can’t Keep His Doctor Under Obamacare

Hitler Finds Out He Can’t Keep His Doctor Under Obamacare

Now all he can afford is ObamaCare Bronze level, with a 40% copay after a $5000 deductible.

I like how the worker-bees are sent out of the bunker room, but they can still hear the ranting and raving.

I had an interesting experience on Saturday. I was helping people evaluate their choices before the looming 3/31 deadline. After paying hundreds of dollars per month, one got NO COVERAGE or help with medical costs until AFTER he pays a $5,000 deductible.

That person shook his head and said: it's not worth it. I'll just pay the penalty.

I have to wonder who designed the 'metal tier' programs (Bronze, Silver, Gold, Platinum). The tiers are so similar, there aren't any TRUE low-cost choices (unless you qualify for taxpayer assistance). Maximum out-of-pocket, unlimited amounts, pregnancy coverage for males and females, no discount for not smoking (in California and some other states), all of the policies are loaded up with things people don't want to pay extra for. But insurers are PROHIBITED from offering lower-cost policies that have what people do want.

And if your income is TOO LOW, you get no premium assistance. You are forced into Medicare, whether you want it or not. The same is true for middle-income families with kids. The kids are forced into Medicare so they don't have the same coverage or provider network as their parents, or even their older siblings. The rest of the family (adults) could pay $1 a month for coverage, but the kids HAVE TO either take Medicare or pay HIGH, UNSUBSIDIZED premiums. Some choice.

It isn't free if your neighbor is paying your share.

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