Need to Know: Health Plans & Medical IRAs

Need to Know: Health Plans & Medical IRAs
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Thursday, November 21, 2013

Business Health Plans

Obamacare not only impacts the individual market for insurance, it also impacts businesses as well. New regulations, fees, taxes and penalties are always unwelcome. They stifle job creation and are especially problematic for self-employed, start-ups and small business. But the new Obamacare regime also limits the choices offered through these plans.

When a business offers health care, it has to offer everyone the same metal tier. The metal tiers (bronze, silver, gold, platinum) sound the same as those in the individual marketplace; but they are, in fact, different.

Not only that, but once a business picks a tier — say GOLD — now ALL employees have to select from that tier. Individuals can't pick a PLATINUM plan for higher benefits or a BRONZE plan because they don't use much in medical services and are in good health.

So if you have people who make a lot of money (the owner, key executives) you would want a higher metal tier. But that means the hourly workers don't have access to an "affordable" plan--which means they can go to the exchanges. It also means the employer is subject to a fee/penalty/tax for not offering an affordable plan.

If the employer offers a low-cost bronze plan, the higher-income employees are STUCK with a plan that pays a LOW ACTUARIAL VALUE.

What they don't tell you, is that there is a way for businesses large and small to OPT OUT of this. You won't find out about this option by doing any of the following...

The only way to find out about this options is to work with an insurance agent that is authorized to offer it. The good news, working with an agent doesn't cost more money (even on the government exchanges), and it could save you tens of thousands. You could possibly save much more.

You don't have to settle for a bad insurance plan designed by the government. Those plans include mandated extras like maternity care for men, pediatric dental, no non-smoker discount, and more. That may be acceptable to the ruling elite, but most people don't like paying for things they don't want. And many of your employees won't like paying for things they don't actually use.

Did you know that upwards of 6 out of 10 employees (in almost any size group) never even use their medical insurance? Not even once in a 12 month period! Does it make sense to get a refund on premiums for care that wasn't actually used? Does it make sense to recapture the smoker rates and poor-health rates built into every premium dollar under Obamacare?

Contact us and we will get you information on how to OPT OUT. Potentially qualify for lower premiums. Experience total value and total control by putting money into a medical IRA. Businesses with 10 or more employees may even qualify for a substantial return of premium dollars. 

Find out what you don't know. You'll be glad you did.

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