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Wednesday, November 13, 2013

New Obamacare Ads Are Out!

Remember: you are paying for this. Not just the birth control, but the ads, too. Now that Ali and Suzie Hot-to-Trot have free birth control, they need to maximize their opportunities. “All I have to worry about is getting him between the covers.”

Oh and the all-important fine print says that condoms and common sense can protect her from STDs. Do these ads offer any semblance of common sense? Check out the one for brosurance’ with  the guys doing a keg stand. Way to promote common sense!

Here's the post from chicksontheright.

Like, OMG! New Obamacare Ads Are Out!

As if keg stand ads weren't enough to make you look at this administration and know that we're surely doomed. Now Obamacare is pushing these totally awesome ads, which happen to reside on the aptly named "" website, because why on earth would we use correct grammar when speaking to complete low-level-voting Democrats, right?  (Oh, and PS - I tried clicking it a few times this morning and the link wasn't working when I did.  SHOCKER.)
Anywho, here are some of the gems you can see in the new campaign, obviously created by folks who were fired from MTV and Miley Cyrus' last twerking tour, soon to be hired as some sort of Czars on Obama's staff.  Naturally.

Isn't that neat, you vapid skanks?  YAY!
And let's not forget this one, which is also a lot of fun (Wheeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!):

They so CRAZY, those Obamacare folks.
Stay classy, Amerika.

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